Thursday, 15 November 2012

Possibly a resurrection

Following considerable and relentless encouragement from a friend to start writing again, I have put fingertip to key once again. Actually Luke just asked why I don’t write anymore, and I said that I don’t have the time. This led me to think about what is keeping me so busy. I’m working much longer hours having swapped my part-time work and part-time child care with spouse, who now knows first-hand that, actually, I could have done a lot more housework over the last eight years than I claimed was humanly possible. This is, however, unspoken. If he accuses me of previously being a lazy arse, I can point the finger back firmly, and probably quite pointedly, in his direction about the continued scruffy state of the house since he took over the reins. Fortunately becoming part-time child carer, mixing with the yummy mummies at the school gate and making the lunch boxes has not lead to an increase in his desire to purchase shoes. That remains firmly my department.

When I’m not working, or supervising homework which generally amounts to not being able to answer the twins’ questions about algebra and feeling stupid, or chasing boychild around the house, and then forging his handwriting, what am I doing?. Sometimes I pay him to do homework; my rationale being that I am teaching the crucial message that there is no such thing as a free lunch. In prison psychological psychobabble is the term “permission giving”, for example, starting a row so one can justify storming off to the pub with your mates. If I had more self-awareness I would recognise that I am a master in the art of giving myself permission to behave badly. Frequently. But I don’t that all important self-awareness fortunately.
So on weekdays, those activities probably account for on average nine hours a day. The rest of the time, I seem to spend in my hobbies of trying to make smart arse comments on Faceache, watching and often screaming at the TV, smoking and drinking wine, not necessarily in that order. Tonight I am undertaking an experiment – an hour’s less online poker or property porn TV (actually Kristy is on in the background) and alternately see what I can muster for the old blog.

There have been so many issues on the TV of late, particularly so called news programmes that I’m struggling to choose from at this late stage in my post. Probably the most pertinent today is the Police Commissioner (what a load of fucking nonsense) elections. At a time of austerity cuts, we, the people of England and Wales (and possibly Scotland and Northern Ireland, but I really couldn’t be less interested in the detail and can’t now be bothered to research it) will have a say in how our police forces are managed, for an up-front cost of between £80 and £100k in salaries per constabulary per annum. I could bang on about the ethics of politicising the police force but I’ll leave that to serious bloggers. I could equally harp on about this being a further example of the Condems cynically suggesting that we, the people of England and Wales (and possibly et al), actually have any influence in the way our towns and cities are policed, but I don’t think the Government has pulled the wool over the eyes of any more than the 5% that are expected to vote, and let’s face it, more people read the Sun and Daily Mail.

I am proud, however, to report that I used both my franchise and my spare time wisely in casting my vote (or not, as it happened). I spent the best part of ten minutes pencilling a rendition of an erect penis and hairy testicles on my ballot paper. Childish? Certainly. A waste of time? Almost certainly. Satisfying? Probably more so than the cheeky bottle of Chardonnay Viogner that I’m about to start supping until bedtime.