President Sarkozi is now officially off Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas card list. He didn't invite her to the D-Day commemorations. President Obama was apparently pretty peeved about this, hopefully recognising that the British made far more effort on the said D-Day than the cheese eating surrender monkeys. He offered to take her as his date, but she doesn't want to play, and is going orf to the races instead. It strikes me as a bit odd that the ceremony is to be dominated by the French, who didn't actually take part in the landings, and the Americans, who probably killed more Frenchmen in friendly fire incidents than the Germans, if their recent military record is anything to go by. Obama is the new kid in town, and everyone wants to be his best friend which is no doubt why Brown swallowed his pride and asked for an invitation.
I guess Brown is also trying to summon some media attention that isn't about cabinet ministers lining their pocket's with our money. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alister-eyebrows-Darling apparently made a mistake in claiming for a mortgage that had been paid off, or was the the Home Secretary, or both. There are so many thieving politicians it's hard to keep track. In a tv interview Darling apologised for the error. That's ok then, you've paid it back, no harm done. I'm considering calling Jordieman back, and saying that, oops, I forgot to pay my taxes on time, and since I'm ever so sorry, can they kindly repay the interest they charged me.
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